Friday, August 14, 2009

God's Answers

Have you ever asked God the What? or the How? but instead have u ever asked "where". I had been displaced or laid off from my job in June. I had searched all summer and sent out lots of resumes, had three job interviews, and was starting to get physically sick about what to do. I finally decided to just go to GOD and say instead what do u want me to do. WHERE do u want me to go. I was realizing how much I was going to miss the people that I had spent 2 years getting to know. And then the call came, the call that I wasn't expecting. The call from the principal where I worked before. "I have a position for you if you want it." Are you serious I said. Yes, you have to wait for the call from Central Office and then you can start.
That call came on Wednesday morning. Today Friday I started back at my old school with my friends, so grateful for the job, but more thankful.. ON how GOD provided for me,and how it granted me the desire of my heart.

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