Monday, August 10, 2009


What encourages me? I would have to say at this stage in my life. I LOVE IT when God shows up and encourages me. I recently felt the need to take some "me" time and go with my Bible and my journal and sit at the local park. I also grabbed my pink lemonade, off I went. I sat among the trees on that hot afternoon and I just sat there. I began to ask God what do you want me to do? Where am I suppose to go? Show me how you want me to go? GOD directed me to the book of Colossians and as I read I started to laugh. I was reading from the Message bible and it says that ;
" just go ahead with what you have been given. You received Jesus Christ, the master now LIVE him. You're deeply rooted in HIM. You're well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you have been taught. SCHOOL'S OUT. Quit studying the subject and start LIVIN it!
Colossians 2:6-7 (message)
SO that is how I feel encouraged. Just livin life with God.
I hope that encourages someone today. Have a blessed day


Debbie Petras said...

How like God? As you get into the Word, He'll answer your prayers. It makes such a difference when we live in Him and not satisfying the desires of our flesh. It's still a moment by moment choice but His way is always best. Nice to meet you on the first day of this new website. I think it's going to be great.

Holley Gerth said...

Deborah, I love it when God meets us in the everyday, simple moments of life in ways that make our hearts know, "Yes, that had to be Him!" Thanks for sharing--it's great to be (in) with you!
Holley - (in)courage