Friday, August 28, 2009


I am sitting here. Thankful for my new job. What a journey that was. I am thankful that MY GOD has taken care of me and loves me. I am adjusting to a new routine this week and I have realized that the one thing I have missed is my Quiet Time with the LORD. I had it today and my day felt complete. I was up WAY too early this morning and had the time, and God gave me the strength. And now my heart is crushed. I realize that I have made mistakes, but why can't they ever be forgiven and why can't some old habits just die. Why?? How come the more I make progress the or whatever I stumble. I want victory over this one thing. Why can't I get it? Just this one thing, the one thing that has destroyed so much.. The one thing that I want COMPLETE victory over.. How and why is it not coming??? What else do I need to do???
And why can't this friend of mine just be honest and tell me how they feel? I have done everything from "mothering" them to back off from that and "supporting" them like they asked me too and for what. To be told that my actions show I don't care about them. I put up with them belittling me and being hurtful to me and trying to show them I care and it gets me NOTHING. I just really want to know if something happened to me. What they would do? Is that bad? Is it bad to want to know if they really care or not? I wish I could have an answer these ???'s I have given them to GOD and I am waiting for the answers... Please if you read this just pray... I wish that I knew.. And could have victory that people would see me as a child of GOD and that I can regain the trust that is necessary.

Friday, August 14, 2009

God's Answers

Have you ever asked God the What? or the How? but instead have u ever asked "where". I had been displaced or laid off from my job in June. I had searched all summer and sent out lots of resumes, had three job interviews, and was starting to get physically sick about what to do. I finally decided to just go to GOD and say instead what do u want me to do. WHERE do u want me to go. I was realizing how much I was going to miss the people that I had spent 2 years getting to know. And then the call came, the call that I wasn't expecting. The call from the principal where I worked before. "I have a position for you if you want it." Are you serious I said. Yes, you have to wait for the call from Central Office and then you can start.
That call came on Wednesday morning. Today Friday I started back at my old school with my friends, so grateful for the job, but more thankful.. ON how GOD provided for me,and how it granted me the desire of my heart.

Monday, August 10, 2009


What encourages me? I would have to say at this stage in my life. I LOVE IT when God shows up and encourages me. I recently felt the need to take some "me" time and go with my Bible and my journal and sit at the local park. I also grabbed my pink lemonade, off I went. I sat among the trees on that hot afternoon and I just sat there. I began to ask God what do you want me to do? Where am I suppose to go? Show me how you want me to go? GOD directed me to the book of Colossians and as I read I started to laugh. I was reading from the Message bible and it says that ;
" just go ahead with what you have been given. You received Jesus Christ, the master now LIVE him. You're deeply rooted in HIM. You're well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you have been taught. SCHOOL'S OUT. Quit studying the subject and start LIVIN it!
Colossians 2:6-7 (message)
SO that is how I feel encouraged. Just livin life with God.
I hope that encourages someone today. Have a blessed day

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Storms Of Life..

Storms... They come in all sorts of different shapes, sizes, even different kinds of weather.. Snow, sleet, rain, tornados, hurricanes.
We had a storm here late last night into the early morning. It actually was really loud and bright. I thought for a minute there that God was trying to get my attention. I asked him what and said I was scared and then buried my head undercovers. Isn't that how it always is? When we get scared we bury our heads. I have wanted to bury my head for a while now. I have no job, it's not a bad thing in a way it is a good thing. I actually did my job the right way and lost my job.. LOL!!! But now as I keep trying to figure out what to do next. I am actually getting a little scared.
But I am also learning that to trust God completely and I will live the life that I was meant to life.
What storms are you going through? Remember God is always here no matter what.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Livin Life

My name is Deborah and I live in NC outside of Raleigh, I have four teenagers ranging in ages 13-18 2 girls and 2 boys. I have been married for almost 20 years to my gracious husband and I do mean GRACIOUS.
I enjoy reading and chatting on facebook. I also love going to church and am developing a new desire in soaking up all I can about GOD.
I have created this blog to hopefully meet some new and wonderful people throughout the Christian Community and to help in courage and build each other up. Feel free to leave a comment or find me on facebook.
Take care and may you live life as it was meant to be by trusting in GOD completely.