Thursday, November 25, 2010

What am I thankful for?

As I sit here on this Thanksgiving Morning of 2010, I am reflecting on what I am thankful for. I am thankful for a God who loves me, and is gracious even when I am not.
 I am thankful for a husband who despite my shortcomings, has shown ALOT of grace for the last 20 1/2 years and continues to show it.

I am thankful for my children who sometimes drive me crazy. But that's okay, They pick out the retirement home in the end.

I am thankful for my job, even on days when I want to pull my hair out..

May you all have a great Thanksgiving, And may we all remember as we enter the holiday season, Let it always be Thanksgiving and Christmas  all year long.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Favorie Time of Year

Happy Autumn to you all. I must admit that this is my favorite time of year. I love autumn. The leaves starting to change colors, the chill in the air it reminds me of hot apple cider and chili, and there is football. I hope that this blog finds you all well.
 I have been thinking alot lately and for the people that know me, that can be a dangerous thing. I have recently gone through something that I have not experienced before, the loss of a good friend through death.  This is a woman who quite honestly, if I can be her when I grow up I am good. Even a little bit like her that works for me. She died of brain cancer, I had the opportunity to take care of her this summer, what a joy that was.
 I hope that as we embark on the changing seasons, that you all take a step back and as God reveals his splendor, may he reveal his splendor to your heart as well.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

There has to be something more than Calgon

Please oh please tell me that the only way to be taken away is not by Calgon. I must admit at this point I am really frustrated, frustrated that probably no one is going to read this blog, frustrated that I have figured out that for the last month or so, I am running or shall I say driving in my car up to four times a day, picking up children from various things, frustrated that I would really, really, really, like a moment to myself away for a weekend, Please don't get me wrong. I LOVE my kids they are wonderful, but when the computer and reading aren't filling the void that has to say something. I am really not looking forward to going back to school yet, I am hoping that I can switch my position but probably not, and then I have to wonder why GOD would want me in the same position. I have tried therapy, and medicine but that doesn't seem to work, I have no focus, I have asked GOD for direction and I have to be honest I am not getting much of an answer. Just silence, WHY ??? What terrible rotten thing have I done? Why can't the answers be clear?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Well it is August. School starts soon, I don't know if I am happy or sad about it.  I am thankful for a job again this year. I also have had a job this summer helping out some friends with a loved one, the extra income has been nice. My one son is going to be playing football this year that's exciting. However I must admit there is a part of me that wishes we didn't have to go back to school. 
Though my kids will tell you about the "shear boredom" that they have.  I have been told recently by someone close to me that I "live in a fantasy world" that what I thought were my dreams aren't really a reality. That it is pointless to try dream of goals when you can't get past point A and move to point B. It really hurts. I thought that dreaming and having goals was a good thing. But apparently I was wrong. I know that no one reads this website. I don't know how to connect to others. I am just throwing this all out there.  Hope that the rest of your summer is wonderful and full of laughter, love.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer Vacation

Hello all. I hope that you are enjoying your summer. I am enjoying mine. My children and I are off for the summer since there is no school. I am part of a program called booksneeze  you are suppose to read a book and then give a review. I received the book "The Vertical Self." I must say I had a very hard time getting into this book. I really wish it wasn't that hard. I guess I am not that smart.. (lol) anyways, If you are interested in booksneeze I have enclosed the website here.
Enjoy your summer I will be back soon.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Been Awhile and Summer's Comin

It's been awhile again. I am hoping now that Summer is comin and school is out that I will be able to post more blogs and get the hang of this blogger thing. I guess the one thing that bugs me that seems so weird is that I don't think anyone really reads this. But I guess that I can get my thoughts out there and someone , somewhere might read them.
Summer's Comin.... What are your plans???? Mine are to take kids to all their different camps and work on painting my house. I can actually relax a little this summer because I am not going to have to look for a job or do my schoolwork. YEA!!!!
Please share your thoughts on what you're doing this summer.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Goes On....

 Life Goes On...... As I posted last time my friend has Cancer. She is doing good, However Life Goes On....As always Life Goes On. The question of the day or week or whatever is What direction is Life suppose to take. I have learned recently that God is calling me to think about the direction I am suppose to be taking. I want to go into teaching, but with the changes that are occuring in the state. I will be required to get two degrees instead of one. Also do I really want to do High School or am I suppose to do Elementary School? So, many questions,, but when will the answers come???

Have any of you ever been in this situation??? please let me know.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

WORDS we don't like

IS there a word out there that you just don't like? I have one. C-A-N-C-E-R. I am not sure there are many people out there that do like the word.
 My pastor's mom has recently been diagnosed with cancer. She has a tumor on her frontal lobe. She goes into surgery tomorrow. I have cried out to GOD, just why, and that it's -- I mean, BUT then I realized that there is more than just this one person out there that battles this disease. There are millions of people out there who probably hate this word. 

HATE is such a strong word. But how about I just don't like this disease. The one disease I wish GOD would just waves His hands and get rid of.

If you or someone you know has this disease, please know I am praying for you and yours, and I ask that you pray for my friend as well.

Monday, March 8, 2010


How does one "destress"? I recently was told that I needed to try and "destress" my life. I have to admit I looked at the person and laughed at them, I am the mother of teenager, I work  in a high school with special needs children, I am turning "40"in a month.. So how does one actually "destress" I am not quite sure. I enjoyed a campfire in my fire pit last night for a little while. Just sitting an being still. But I really wasn't listening to what God was telling me. I am not sure he was really telling me anything. So many thoughts came into my mind. People that I thought about,  people that I work with, people I go to church with , my family. How can we actually "Destress." I hope that one or someone out in the great world of the Internet knows the answer. It would be nice to lean on people and go through the stress together. So if you have any stress that you would like to get rid of.. Look me up. I will destress with you..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Okay.. What to do when you think God is calling you.

What do you do when  you think that God is calling you to do something? I have so many different desires in my heart. I would love to write on blogs and encourage people. But I am afraid because writing isn't my strong suit. I would love to teach or so I thought, but I am now interested in teaching women about God and how to get through life with God. But I thought I was going to teach students. I have to admit I would LOVE to be the next Beth Moore. Not that I am a smart as she is. But the desire to study and teach is there. But all I have is a high school diploma. I am working on a college degree but that's a(n) Associate in Arts degree. What do you do? The desires are so strong. Is this God? or me running away from what I think is God.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Been Awhile

Hello!! I realize it's been awhile.. So much has happened. So much I have learned. Going to start posting more. God is leading in a direction, and I am going to follow. Problem is the Devil is right there. And using people close to me to stop it.
More details to come