Monday, March 8, 2010


How does one "destress"? I recently was told that I needed to try and "destress" my life. I have to admit I looked at the person and laughed at them, I am the mother of teenager, I work  in a high school with special needs children, I am turning "40"in a month.. So how does one actually "destress" I am not quite sure. I enjoyed a campfire in my fire pit last night for a little while. Just sitting an being still. But I really wasn't listening to what God was telling me. I am not sure he was really telling me anything. So many thoughts came into my mind. People that I thought about,  people that I work with, people I go to church with , my family. How can we actually "Destress." I hope that one or someone out in the great world of the Internet knows the answer. It would be nice to lean on people and go through the stress together. So if you have any stress that you would like to get rid of.. Look me up. I will destress with you..

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